You didn’t come this far to stop

Like wood carving, metal art has played a significant role in Thai history particularly when it comes to creating ceremonial and decorative items for temples and royal palaces.
Metals like silver, aluminum and nickel alloys have become popular for a 3-D effect called “repoussé.” This technique involves hammering and shaping metal from the reverse side to create intricate designs and patterns. Thai artisans have been mastering this craft for generations and their works feature intricate designs inspired by nature, mythology, and Buddhist symbolisms.
Treasures of Thailand™ works directly with skilled artisans who are dedicated to expressing their creativity on a sheet of metal with techniquespassed down through generations.Our pieces not only carry the beauty of Thai craftsmanship but also embody the stories, traditions, and cultural significance embedded within each stroke of the hammer.

21" x 29"
29" x 59"